I have a smelly coochie! (Television ad rant)

So… what is it with television commercials these days? They are becoming increasingly a) crass, and/or b) way off point. Take the example photo - this lady is hawking her own brand of feminine deodorant. She simulates application to her armpits, the bottom of her breasts (do breasts normally smell bad?) Then down to her nethers, then moving on to her buttcrack and then finally feet. That is all fine and well, but I’m thinking there may be some deeper seated hygiene issues at stake that probably should be addressed first. What is my takeaway from this commercial? This lady is telling the world that she has a smelly coochie. The world probably doesn’t really need to know that. I think if I were to buy a set of that product for whatever ladies that might be in my life, they would probably be offended and cease to be whatever ladies they might be in my life. And it’s not just that, it’s a general observation. Like underwear for men, featuring testicular support (“Ball Hammocks.”) Toilet deodorant that features cartoon fecal chips falling through the water. And now they are starting to use red dye instead of blue for the sanitary pad commercials. I guess that is keeping it real.

Oh right, off point. There is an ad that frequently runs for Perdue, which is a manufacturer of commercial chicken feed. Not the stuff you buy at the pet store, but the stuff that gets delivered by the truckload to grain hoppers at large corporate chicken farms. Who are they marketing this to? The number of people in the entire state of California who are responsible for purchasing commercial chicken feed can literally be counted on one hand. I don’t know what my Foster Farms or Tyson chickens have been fed and don’t care as long as they are fresh and yummy. Hell, they could be feeding them used tires for all I know.


What are your plans for the new year?

